This past week, the NAME was "BRIGHT, MORNING STAR"... in
by Ann Spangler
The Name
In the last chapter of the book of Revelation, Jesus calls himself the "bright Morning Star." In ancient times, the morning star was thought of as a herald of the new day, signaling the dawn of hope and joy. The brightest object in the sky aside from the sun and moon, it is a fitting type for Christ, who ushers in a new day for the entire world. When you call on Jesus, the Bright Morning Star, you are calling on the One from whom all darkness flees.
"I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."Key Scripture
(from Ann Spangler's book)
So I have chosen the following song to reflect on Jesus as the Bright, Morning Star
Jesus You're Beautiful
with CeCe Winans singing
With much personal reflection, thought and prayer during this time, I have decided to share the daily devotional of of Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of Jesus" here at "THE POWER OF YOUR LOVE" each week because I am so enjoying the current studies, "Praying the Names of God".
However, Crosswalk is already in the 14th week with their devotionals of this, because they started at the beginning of the year. I wish that I would have thought of this then, rather than attempt my series on our Identity in Christ and the freedom we have in Him. I needed a focus and I was receiving it in my email every day and so can you. Just go to and sign up for Ann Spangler, "Praying the Names of Jesus" devotional... or get her book

I've chosen to do this now, because it's currently available and you can easily view it on-line, or receive it in your own personal email, which I hope helps those who cannot afford the book currently. But I'm sure you'll want these books in your collection to reuse again and again, as you call upon the Name of the Lord, and pray in His Name.
I do not want this to conflict with your Monday studies, or add to an already busy schedule, or take away from those sharing in those studies that are happening.
I hope you see this as an extension or continuation of the other studies and it will not be as intensive as those, but more of a sharing.
I will try to share on Sundays/Mondays, which Name and then we can share on FRIDAYs through the weekend, what we have read, or any way that you would like to reflect on that Name of Jesus... in song, poem, reflections, teachings, art, graphics, photos, answer the questions, share from the teaching, ... it's really your choice how you reflect on the Name that we are Praying each week. You can join in on any Name, at any time.
What would have been appropriate for this WEEK might have been MESSIAH or KING, or Lamb of God, but I'm sure you'll LOVE the NAME that ends up being Week Fourteen when you see it followed by the wonderful Name that follows that we will be starting with on Week Fifteen.
Yes, we've missed a lot of the great Names, but you can go back in the archives at Crosswalk or BUY ANN'S BOOK or wait for the next time around or someone does this study from the start.
Here are the Names that have already been covered (linked to each Monday only with Crosswalk):
Week One..........IMMANUEL (Dec.2009)
January 2010
Week Two...Light of the World
Week Three...............Child
Week Four...Bread of Life
Week Five....Physician
Week Six...Lamb of God
Week Seven...King of Kings
Week Eight......Prince of Peace
Week Nine............Christ, Messiah
Week Ten....Rabbi, Teacher
Week Eleven..................WORD
Week Twelve...Cornerstone, Capstone
Week Thirteen...............Bright Morning Star
This means they are half way through the Names of Jesus in Ann's book. At that time they may start over with "Praying the Names of God" (at least that's what's happened in the previous years).
I started to pray about this decision on Week 9 but at that time the other study was almost ready to start, so I waited and prayed each time as I read my daily devotional in my email (when Lord?), wanting to share it, burning inside of me more and more to share until I noticed ...
THIS WEEK, which should be WEEK FOURTEEN

And I knew that I had to start, because this Name means so much to me, but I will not be doing any blogging this week on any blog, except sharing music at Amazing Grace... mostly, because I am honoring my time with JESUS CHRIST...
1 comment:
Beautiful Peggy. I know you won't see this until after Easter, but I pray your Easter week is absolutely blessed!
Love & hugs!
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