Friday, May 14, 2010


The Name of Jesus for this week with Ann Spangler at has been:

Hope you will join us today(or anytime during this weekend) sharing from what we read or would like to share about the Name of Jesus for this past week.

You may go HERE to find out more & follow along daily at with the devotional (book) of Ann Spangler, 
"Praying the Names of Jesus"

This was from Thursday's devotional from Ann:
Reflect On: 2 Timothy 2:8 - 10.
Praise God: For opening your eyes and ears to his mercy.
Offer Thanks: Because Christ wants to spread his kingdom through you.
Confess: Any reluctance to share your faith with others.
Ask God: To give you opportunities to tell others about how Christ has loved you.
This part is so very important for me to share from this carefully and attentively.

"...No wonder I find it difficult to share my faith! Only grace can forge an opening for the gospel, leaving people free to resist that grace if they choose. But while I, like most people, dislike encountering resistance, I realize that my aversion to evangelism goes far deeper. My biggest problem is not that I hate conflict but that I lack love. Because if I loved people more, I would share more of God's anguish for the lost. Without love's propelling force, I have neither the energy nor the courage to share my faith, despite the fact that I, like all believers, am called to spread the good news of the kingdom. 
I want God to change my heart, to help me break out of my own self-centeredness so that I can experience two things — more anguish and more love for his estranged children. 
Pray with me today to the One who is called the "Son of David," remembering that God described David as "a man after my own heart." Ask Jesus to give you His heart for those who are still far from Him. Think especially of the men, women, and children in your own circle of influence. Ask God to break through their blindness and their deafness so that they can begin to perceive His goodness and His love.

Last Sunday at "The Lighthouse of Prayer" my heart had this burden and I shared a song and a prayer for SALVATION for others and even for yourself without realizing this was part of this week with Ann ... please check this out and maybe take a step of "PRAYING in the NAME of JESUS: Son of DAVID" and leave a prayer there, whether or not, YOU personally have friends or family that need Jesus, many need prayer for this, so consider praying for THEM!

Strengthen your faith in the Son of David. 

"How can we experience the power of the "Son of David" at work in our own lives? What difficulties do you face? What would happen if you asked for the grace to see every difficulty as an opportunity, for giving Jesus, the Son of David, a larger and richer crown, extending His rule in, over, and around you?

Start today by asking Jesus to be the King over your loneliness, your sorrow, your hurts, and your weaknesses. Let God's Spirit uncover areas in your life that are not yet fully under Christ's rule. Expose each one to Him in prayer, expressing your faith that He is indeed the "Son of David," the Lord who is able to heal and deliver you, the King who wants to extend the boundaries of His kingdom by virtue of what He is doing in you." ~ Ann Spangler

1 comment:

Karen said...

Amen!! So true...

Loved this...

"What would happen if you asked for the grace to see every difficulty as an opportunity, for giving Jesus, the Son of David, a larger and richer crown, extending His rule in, over, and around you?"

Asking for grace, Lord....