Monday, November 24, 2008


I've been tagged by Dorothy at Always Be Prepared.

Here are the rules of the tag:

1) Link to the person who tagged you.

2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).

3) Write 6 random things about yourself.

4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.

5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.

6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So, here are the six random things about myself:

1. I have moved 14 times and never moved more than 90 miles away from where I was born.

2. I wanted to join the Peace Corps when I graduated from high school, but I was only 17 and my parents wouldn't sign to give me permission to join.

3. I had the mistaken illusion when I was young that I didn't need to learn to cook, do housework or anything domestic because "I was going to marry a rich man and have a maid". This thought remained in my mind until I was actually married and learned quickly that life was going to be other than I had planned.

4. I learned to knit at the age of 9, and I only own one thing that I have made. And I have never knit a sweater.

5. I was "asked" to leave my Girl Scout Troop because a friend and I took an overnight camping event as an opportunity to leave our tents in the middle of the night and wander around in the woods.

6. I was probably one of the most sarcastic, mean, hateful, angry, bitter and just downright nasty people you would have ever met in your life until I finally allowed Jesus to enter my life and HE transformed me.

Now, I'm supposed to tag 6 people that I would like to know more about. Let's see:

Sandy at Knittin' Kudzu

Sharon at His is My Prince of Peace

Jennifer at Through the Storms of Life

Marlena at Through Good Times and Bad Times

Marama at Unwrapping the Gift

Pea at Pea's Corner



Peggy said...

Blessings Beth...Were you really all that bad?... This does not add up with WHO YOU ARE or even with your desire to join the Peace Corps...are you sure that #6 is about you? And to think I thought i knew it all!!!

Did you tell me that you have a testimony? Well, rewrite the one I read from early blog days and link up to Giving Thanks @ Thanksgiving! with
or at least go read about it but I'm sure it's for you! I wish I had a testimony...I still may write something! God's working on me!

And thanks so much for not tagging me! I basically don't do tags! I did once or twice and prefer not to
"tag"...I'm serious THANKS!!!Just ask me whatever you want to know!

Sharon said...

Well sounds like you should give it a whirl and try knitting that sweater :)(smile)!
And Yes I can relate to being the bad girl when I was younger, I was the bully of the neighborhood and even kicked the boys butts. haha

Thank you for picking me I will try and work on this later. :)
Have a great week ~~~ Happy Thanksgiving!

Knittin Kudzu said...

Okay Beth! This was my first tag so I had to put some real brain power into it! Thanks for thinking of me!

Blessings, Sandy

Kay Martin said...

I am finally getting to the answering of the tag questions. I loved your answers and we share several things in common: moving much in my childhood and some in adult life; knitting since youth; girl scouts; and the sarcasm thing.

God seems to take our worse trait and flip it for dramatic demonstration of His glory. The one thing I have always noticed about your blog is your gracious kindness and you never put anyone down. Don't we serve an awesome powerful God!!!

Thank you for the honor of the tag. I appreciate you being in my life through the blogs and I treasure every comment you have ever posted.

Be loved and know you are so appreciated.

Dorothy Champagne said...

I have been out of town and am now getting to see your tags, and I'm glad I did! So even more so this Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for Jesus - because otherwise, we'd never be blog friends. :)

Marama said...

Hi Beth
Thanks for the tag. I didn't know what that meant until I read the rules:)
Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Have a wonderful week.