Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finding Your Own Quiet Place

I have edited my previous "Quiet Time" post to share my journalings and my prayer this morning to share with you. Please go back and read over these, and if you feel led, offer up a prayer of your own.

If you haven't found your own quiet place yet, here are a few hints:

  • Determine when is your "freshest" time. Whether the morning, the afternoon, the evening, or a combination of these times, you'll want to spend your most alert time to share with God and listen to what He has to say to you.

  • Do this daily!! This is a discipline that soon becomes a wonderful habit that you will look forward to.

  • Make sure your own "quiet place" is a place where you can read your Bible, pray out loud, write your journalings without distraction or interruptions. This can be any place--outside in a garden, in your bedroom, in your basement, in your car--wherever you can be alone with God.

  • After you have finished praying, be still. Be still and wait for God to answer you. I always ask, "God, is there anything you want or need to tell me today?" And then, I am still. You may not feel God's presence with you the first few times you do this, but hang in there! Soon you will feel your spirit filled with God's Holy Spirit--guiding you, directing you, leading you where HE wants you to go!!Blessings to all of you. I pray that this has been a blessing to you as you find your own quiet time with God.

And, remember, as His Firefly said, "He is just waiting for you to arrive!"


1 comment:

GranthamLynn said...

Oh Beth,
I loved this post. And BTW thanks for coming to visit me today.
I loved what you said about finding your quiet time. So many times we are told it has to be in the morning first thing or get up early. And I agree with you it should be anytime. I usually do mine at lunchtime. Most days it is the quietess time I can find and I need not only the nutrition but the strength God gives me then to get through the rest of the day.
I loved your post.
I am off to read the rest. BTW just how did you do that photo that shows up on your comment. It is really cool.
Many Blessings for your week.