Friday, October 17, 2008

A Quiet Time With God--Where I Came From--Where I Am Now--Shared Journalings

If you have read my warmharte post, you will know that I am a day behind.

In order for you to understand why this study is important to me, I want to share with you where I came from.

I was raised in a church that was very concerned with the legalities of religion, what was appropriate and not appropriate for their particular denomination.

Yes, I knew all the facts, I knew that Jesus had come, lived, suffered and died for me. But, I did not have a relationship with Him. All I had were the facts.

When I started attending the church I now go to (thank you, Linda!), I would be walking down a hallway and hear someone say, "I'll be praying about that", or I would walk into the restroom and find two or more people praying together, very fervently.

I didn't understand this--in the church I came from, we did not pray! Only the pastor of the church prayed at the end of the service, and this was a very generalized prayer.

I did not understand why these people were offering to pray for one another, praying together in what seemed (at the time) to be inappropriate places, and most of all, I just didn't know how to pray!

I remember when my mother passed away, the pastor came to our home and he offered to pray with us. This was not a pray for comfort, for help in our grieving. He simply asked for God to be with us. At the time, I thought to myself that this was a rather trite prayer--asking God to be with us--wasn't He already with us always?

So, I needed to learn to pray. In this, I am still a "baby", moving on up to toddler--just still taking my faltering steps. But, I am learning.

I have edited the previous post and shared some of my journalings from Wednesday. I ask you to read what I have written and please share with me. As I stated earlier, I am in the early stages of learning, and I would love to know what you think.

I'll be back later today to move on to the second part of how I am learning to have a quiet time with God.

Have a blessed day!



Runner Mom said...

Hey, Beth!
Just visiting from Kelly's blog.Yours is lovely! I read today's and yesterday's post. You, sweet friend, have a way with words. Your prayers reflect the scriptures--that is so important! God already knows what is on your heart...He simply wants you to share that with Him.
Many blessings,

Anonymous said...


I would love to participate daily, but life and studies have a way of taking up lots of my time.

I agree that quiet time with God involves journaling, that's what I always did and what I learned more about while taking the Communion With God (Hearing God's Voice) class.

I would like to be able to teach the course eventaully, for it is truly life changing. Not only do you learn to write to Him, you allow Him to write back to you!



Peggy said...

Blessings Beth...Your prayer & your sweet reflections of the scripture show much growth! You have captured in few words what it took/takes me in many! I should have shared half of my other comment here. But as I read here first, left no comment, but went to there...I guess it was all in my head. Sorry it was soooo long!!!

You are sharing with Him just as you should...that is prayer: your interaction with Him. You have done so beautifully. Don't sell yourself short! May your day be filled with less hectic happenings & much more blessings!!! Waiting for more!