We're introducing a new segment to "The Power of Your Love" today!!
First, I want to share with you a little, so bear with me;
When I see a lighthouse, I think of God--standing tall, firm, faithful, always there, never failing in His love for us. He is a never wavering fortress in our lifes--the good times and when the storms coming beating down upon us.
He is guiding the light for us to follow, even through the fog and mist when we cannot see or hear Him clearly.
How do we communicate with our God? Through prayer.
How many times do we say to others, "I'll keep you in my prayers".
Do you have people in your life who are actively praying for you--for your needs, for your requests to God, rejoicing with you in your praises to God?
Jesus came to this earth not only to show us how to lead and conduct our lives, to sacrifice Himself so that we could have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Him, but to bridge the gap between man and God. He intercedes for us with God. His ministry on this earth lasted only 3 short years, but He is still interceding for us some 2000+ years later!!
Praying is our means of talking with God-- just like we talk with our friends--telling them what is going on in our life--what we're joyful about, what we're sorrowful about, what's happening with our friend that we're concerned about.
God is the source of change in our lives--only He has the power, might and strength to change the future. He is the sole history maker. But, we can be an active part of this history change through prayer to God. He hears us. He is just waiting for us to come to Him, to talk to Him.
This is going to be an interactive prayer request-comment conversation with God.
All you need to do is post a comment with a prayer request--something that is pressing in your life, whatever has been imprinted upon your heart that you feel the need or want others to pray along with you, a praise of whatever has made you joyful that you would like to share so that others can rejoice with you, an answer from God for something that you have been praying about.
Now, here's the really important part--those who stop by and read your prayer request will leave a PRAYER for you--not a comment--the specific PRAYER that they have said for you. And you have the opportunity to leave a comment as a PRAYER for others.
Jesus intercedes for us, and we will be interceding for others!!
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited about this!!
I can't think of anything that would be more appropriate than to start this with my prayer:
I love you and praise Your Name always. You are the most high, always there for us, never wavering in Your love for us.
There are many issues upon my own heart as well as the hearts of others. Please lead us in prayer to You for You are the sole source of our hope in this life. Let us learn to depend upon You more and more until we are totally dependent and fully surrendered to You.
Today I come to you with my children upon my heart. They know You, Lord, but they have not accepted You as their Savior. I pray that You bring them to You, show them the full extent of our love and be a life-changing force for them.
My work situation is also on my mind. You know how overwhelmed and stressed I feel there. Is this the place You want me to be? Lead me in Your wisdom, guide me through my day no matter what the situation is. Let me lay my stress upon You for Your shoulders are much broader than mine and able to bear the weight of this.
I thank you for always being there for me, always loving me even when I don't feel deserving of this love.
I humbly ask that You bless this day--each and every moment. Let us feel Your presence in our lives and be a shining light to others to guide them to You.
In Jesus' most precious name,
When I see a lighthouse, I think of God--standing tall, firm, faithful, always there, never failing in His love for us. He is a never wavering fortress in our lifes--the good times and when the storms coming beating down upon us.
He is guiding the light for us to follow, even through the fog and mist when we cannot see or hear Him clearly.
How do we communicate with our God? Through prayer.
How many times do we say to others, "I'll keep you in my prayers".
Do you have people in your life who are actively praying for you--for your needs, for your requests to God, rejoicing with you in your praises to God?
Jesus came to this earth not only to show us how to lead and conduct our lives, to sacrifice Himself so that we could have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Him, but to bridge the gap between man and God. He intercedes for us with God. His ministry on this earth lasted only 3 short years, but He is still interceding for us some 2000+ years later!!
Praying is our means of talking with God-- just like we talk with our friends--telling them what is going on in our life--what we're joyful about, what we're sorrowful about, what's happening with our friend that we're concerned about.
God is the source of change in our lives--only He has the power, might and strength to change the future. He is the sole history maker. But, we can be an active part of this history change through prayer to God. He hears us. He is just waiting for us to come to Him, to talk to Him.
This is going to be an interactive prayer request-comment conversation with God.
All you need to do is post a comment with a prayer request--something that is pressing in your life, whatever has been imprinted upon your heart that you feel the need or want others to pray along with you, a praise of whatever has made you joyful that you would like to share so that others can rejoice with you, an answer from God for something that you have been praying about.
Now, here's the really important part--those who stop by and read your prayer request will leave a PRAYER for you--not a comment--the specific PRAYER that they have said for you. And you have the opportunity to leave a comment as a PRAYER for others.
Jesus intercedes for us, and we will be interceding for others!!
I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited about this!!
I can't think of anything that would be more appropriate than to start this with my prayer:
I love you and praise Your Name always. You are the most high, always there for us, never wavering in Your love for us.
There are many issues upon my own heart as well as the hearts of others. Please lead us in prayer to You for You are the sole source of our hope in this life. Let us learn to depend upon You more and more until we are totally dependent and fully surrendered to You.
Today I come to you with my children upon my heart. They know You, Lord, but they have not accepted You as their Savior. I pray that You bring them to You, show them the full extent of our love and be a life-changing force for them.
My work situation is also on my mind. You know how overwhelmed and stressed I feel there. Is this the place You want me to be? Lead me in Your wisdom, guide me through my day no matter what the situation is. Let me lay my stress upon You for Your shoulders are much broader than mine and able to bear the weight of this.
I thank you for always being there for me, always loving me even when I don't feel deserving of this love.
I humbly ask that You bless this day--each and every moment. Let us feel Your presence in our lives and be a shining light to others to guide them to You.
In Jesus' most precious name,
Father God,
I'm awed at You and that You made a way through Jesus Christ for me to be His righteousness so that I may come to YOU today and know Heaven accepts me,loves me, hears me and will answer.
In a few hours I take a examination for a supervisory position I am applying for. The pay for this job will pay off the mortgage on my home and I will be able to work in ministry fulltime after 2 years of this work.
I thank You for all my blessings, the people in my life and the ways you open up ministry in every day of my life.
Lord, I thank You that my children and their spouses are coming into position in Your Kingdom. Pour Your love and mercy on them as they stall in their youth to the call on their lives.
Thank You for my church. As our pastor preached last night may we come in one heart in unity in love of You to be Your body and Your anointing fill us and move us to be about Your Kingdom now here on earth.
In Jesus Name AMEN
My God,
I lift Kay up to You today, I join her in her praises to You. You are the most awesome, the most high, the most righteous.
Ease Kay's mind as she takes this exam for a new position in her life that will allow her to concentrate on her ministries for You. Allow her peace of mind in order to do well on this exam, and yes, even supply her with the answers to this test if this is Your will for her.
Continue to allow her ministry opportunities to open doors for her. She is Your hands and feet to this world, and she is willing to go the extra mile--where others choose not to go.
Thank you for the blessings you have bestowed upon her and her children, even through the storms of her life. Lead Kay and her children where YOU want them to be in their lives and bless their ministries for You and in Your name.
I join Kay in her prayer to You, Lord, that we all become one body, united in You, leading others to Your Kingdom.
I pray that you place Your steadying hand upon Kay today and let her be most acutely aware of your presence as she takes this important exam.
In Jesus' precious NAME,
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me another wonderful morning where I can wake up and get on a computer and stay connected with friends all over the world. Thank you for guiding me in my daily quest to become closer to you. Thank you for answering my prayers.
You know of the weight that is on me and we've already discussed it and I want you to know that I will continue with my promise to work on this situation - I ask that You also work on keeping my heart soft about this.
Please be with Beth and her children, let them feel Your love for them. Encourage her even during the times where she feels like she's not making a difference.
Be with Kay during her test. If this is Your will for her, let all the doors just open up and give her the strength to complete all the tasks You need her to do.
Be with my children to continue to want to learn more about you and daily have their quiet time without complaining.
Give me the opportunity to work for You today. Because I know how Great You are and want other people to know it to.
In Jesus Name,
Father God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, we come before Your throne, knowing You are there to receive us, and Your ears are listening to our prayers.
I thank You for Beth and the visions you have given her for reaching out to those suffering and in need. You have given her a true servants heart and I KNOW You will also answer her prayers for her children and her place in this work world. Please bless quickly her mission here, and bring those who need someone to agree in prayer here.
Thank you also for our friends here, who also love You and pray with authority and assurance. We are blessed to have them among us, nad we know that where two or more agree together, there You are in our midst.
We can rejoice in the opening doors in Kay's life and the dedication she has to serve You has not gone unnoticed. Mayu the blessings You have for her overflow in her life and bless all those around her.
Dorothy has brought to You the weights weighing her down and given them to You to carry. May this freedom and peace strengthen her and encourage her, and assure her that You are in control and You have a plan for her, just as we read in Jeremiah.
Lastly Lord, for me I thank You for being the I AM in my life. I lack nothing because of your grace and mercy and faithfulness.
Bless this blog, and all who come here to read, post, comment, pray and search for answers from the all knowing God.
Oh Heavenly Father, I am overwhelmed by the gracious prayers of my sisters and their hearts for You! Bind us together and anoint these prayers and petitions!
Hear O Lord, the sound of our prayers unto You and bless this
awesome place where we can unite as one voice to You! I adore You, Lord! I praise You for answering & leading & guiding these women in Your Light! You truly are the Light of the World. You are our Rock! You are our anchor!
Be exalted this day as we step forth and agree in prayer for needs and our heart cries!
Lord Jesus, I confess that there are ways in me that are not of You!
Wash me and cleanse me! Know my heart and purify my walk to match what I know and Your Way for me.
You are my Refuge and My Rock.
I thank You for many answered prayers! I thank for for my safety
and protection! Your love covers me! I am so unworthy but so in love and grateful for ALL You do for me!
My heart sings with JOY for ALL You are doing on the internet and will do through this PRAYER LINE!
LORD, There are petitions for loved ones that need to coming to a saving grace & knowledge of You! My adopted son & daughter have seeds planted, they knew You, but they need to return & be watered & nourished & start growing in You & Your ways! Their father also needs You, Lord Jesus. His concepts of You God are too wide and He needs to know that there is no way but through Your Son Jesus! Help the scales to fall from his eyes before it is too late. Continue to bring people into his life to show Him where I have failed to light His way with the Truth of Jesus Christ.
I stand with Beth for her 3 also & claim them for You! Thank You Lord for Kay's children & spouses that are coming into their position in Your Kingdom as we HOPE for all our unsaved loved ones. Be with Dorothy's children also. Give them thirst & hunger for more of You!
Praise You Lord for opening this door for Kay! Be with her and give her wisdom & knowledge for this exam that she will complete it in the best standing to receive this supervisory position & take care of all her mortgage. You are the owner
of it all and You can bless her to
pay this all off to be free to full-time ministry according to Your perfect will and purpose for Kay!
Father God...you see Beth, her heart and job situation. You know
how difficult this position is and that she needs so much to earn a good income. Allow her some relief today as she carries the load for more than herself. Open the eyes of her supervisor to see the burdens and the cost this has to the overall effectiveness of caring for the patients that come there! Stress in the business place of Beth be gone in Jesus'Name. Release Your servant Beth from all stress & give her Your blessings & peace in the midst of the turmoil daily. Though she be tossed and turned in the waves of work, You alone know why she is there and the perfect time to move her to another place according to Your will. If it is not Your will, bring a new calm to her workplace and more workers instead of less...as they cut corners, it increases pressures. Give them wisdom in these decisions! Give Beth strength to withstand and allow her light to shine among those who mock her attentiveness to being a Christian and loving to be in church. Bring her own personal family to a place also of knowing You and letting go of their way of persecuting her & her children because she has chosen You! Protect her Lord for all condemnation for Your Name's sake!
Shield her from the darts of the enemy and the words spoken against You. Forgive those who do not yet know You but draw them by Your Light in Beth! Thank You for giving her a raise but make the job worthy of her staying & enduring until You find a better place for her. Thank You for her heart to serve You! Thank You for how she opens doors to PRAYER & PRAISE for YOU!
My dear Lord,thank You for Dorothy's heart and gratefulness before Your Throne this day. You know Lord, the weight that is upon her & You know that she is doing
all she promised. Keep her heart soft as regards this and bring her the cries of her heart & Your way to be free from this weight! Lift this burden Lord & give Dorothy Your peace & rest over this. Direct her & guide her as Dorothy works on this. Be her wisdom & sound advice
as she seeks to do Your will & follow Your principles & purpose!
Thank You Lord for Kathy's fervent prayer and words! Thank You for her
beautiful prayer & gratitude for YOU being the GREAT I AM to her!
Thank You so much that Kathy proclaims that she lacks nothing
because of Your Grace, Mercy & Faithfulness. This humbles me greatly.
You know me so well, ABBA...and
my prayers are endless & my petitions are many but I praise You for each day & each breath that YOU
sustain me, provide for me, protect me and complete Your Will & purpose for my life here in Mexico! I thank You that You lead my steps! I shout praises & thanks for this 1,500 mile journey that I made with You as my Co-pilot! You never fail me! You make a way always for me! Your rod & Your staff constantly guide me and You keep me from ALL harm.
Though You provided choices for moves for me to other rental places
I am so thankful that You opened my eyes to dangers that may lurk in the uncertainties of the unknown of a new location. Bless You Jehovah Jireh for the exchange rate that allows me to pay the rent increase.
You always provide and give me a surplus! I'm saddened that I could not cross into the USA to purchase
some books & products I miss but I
understand that because of this, You will bless me even more & have!
I am ABUNDANTLY BLESSED by YOU & my friends in the internet world daily! I join with the others in THANKING You for giving us a Christian sisterhood & family here!
I have found so much wisdom & counsel & love shared as we grow together! You know that I needed to be connected to English speaking Christians to continue to keep me
in fellowship & growing in You!
Thank You for the accountability they give and their beautiful new goals of drawing closer to YOU this year through YOUR WORD: reading Your Word & memorizing & now praying! Bless the new visions & thank You for their testimony of Your Infinite LOVE, GRACE & MERCIES that are new every morning! You, Lord are so aMazing!!! May Your Kingdom & will be done here at the LIGHTHOUSE & throughout Your united family. Renew us, restore us, bring us into repentance & recovery. REVIVE us Lord as Your People & keep us humbly before YOU on our knees in PRAYER, listening to Your Voice & standing in the gap. Heal our nation and touch Your world through each of us...reaching one!
May all glory, honor & prayer be YOURS alone! This is just a start
of my constant prayers before You.
Thank You for being the Bread of Life! Thank You for calling me to follow Jesus Christ! Thank You for leading me through the storms & fogs, and holding out Your hand.
Bless each person that comes to You
at this Lighthouse & hear their heart & prayer. We are a needy people Lord and there are so many in need of You & a touch from You this day! I thank YOU in Jesus most holy and precious Name for the privilege to bow before You! Bless AMERICA & change, guide & preserve
Your place as "in GOD we trust" may Your justice prevail & You remain in Your rightful place on High & first place in our lives as King of kings...You are so beautiful & I rejoice in my life with You! Save us & redeem us from falling into
the comfort zones & conforming to the ways of the world. Bless You & REIGN as WE EXALT YOU as Lord & King!
My Father,
Bless all that have come today to share their praises and requests of You. We praise You for who You are--holy above all, in control of all things, creator of the universe!
I gratefully come to You--thanking You for providing the ways and the means for others to join in prayer--knowing that You are listening keenly to what we speak and write to You. May our prayers be answered according to Your Will in our lives.
Lord, I thank you for Dorothy and all that she has taught me through Your works in her in sharing her Bible devotions. Thank you for giving her great insight into Your Word.
I come to you this evening to place the issues that Dorothy is facing into Your hands, as she has already done. I join her in asking You to lead and guide her in lifting this weight of burden from her. Please keep her heart soft and open so that she may hear clearly from You.
Lead Dorothy's children closer to You every moment of their lives, and continue to bless Dorothy in her work for You.
I thank you bringing Kathy into my life. No, she isn't really my aunt, but she should and could be. She is a wonderful encourager and loves You dearly. Bless her, Father, in her quest for peacefulness in her life. Help her to continue to live a healthy lifestyle.
You are the source of joy and hope in Kathy's life, and she continues to place all of her trust in You.
Bless her grandson, Adam. Let him learn Your love from Kathy, Lord, and raise him in Your ways so that he may walk the straight and narrow path with You. Continue to use Kathy as Adam's guiding light in his life. He is a happy little boy--grow him into a joyful young man who will praise and love You just as his Nana does.
I thank you for the friendship and love of Peggy. She is a joy in my life as she shares her love for You with me.
You know what is in her heart and mind, Lord, what issues she is facing. I humbly beseech you to lead her to a safe place to live, where she can have peace and Your total joy in her life.
Thank you for protecting her from harm during her recent journey, surrounding her with Your hedge of protection. She made this journey so that she may stay in Mexico to continue in Your work.
I ask that You bless her missions, her ministries and bring to fulfillment all that You have planned for her.
I pray for her children and their father, that they may re-turn to You and experience fully Your love for them. They know you, Lord and they have turned away. Bring them back to You!
I also lift up to You Peggy's financial situation. Please continue to provide for her. She has placed her complete trust in You regarding this Lord, and I know that You will supply her with her daily needs and then some!
I, too, am blessed by the presence of all here today. Bring to full circle the vision that you have placed upon my heart. We come to You in love, Lord, for You are the King and we are Your children. What an awesome Father You are!!
May You reign in all of our lives as King, and help us--show us the way--put the words into our mouths--so that we may bring more and more people into Your Kingdom.
Thank you, God, for all that You have done for me in my life and the lives of all that have shared here today--shared in their love and trust in You.
In Jesus' name,
All God's people say
Almighty Lord & Savior...Thank You for this day! Thank You for these
prayers! Thank You for Kay, Dorothy, Beth, Kathy...give them sweet rest for a brand new fresh start tomorrow! Hear their hearts!
Be with each person that You lead here! Bless them & be glorified!
Thank You for Our Daily Bread & Your unending love!
Bless sailorcross on her Lighthouse of Prayer & help her as she grows & serves you in so many ways & now as she prays. Give her good sleep & a
more peaceful day at work as she SMILES because she has YOU smiling at her! Thank You Lord for all You are & all You do & have done!
Dear heavenly Father, bless these precious ladies that have poured their hearts out to You. You love them all so very much, surround them with Your loving arms. I ask that You be with Kay as she takes her examination, I pray that she gets the position. Pour sweet blessings upon Dorothy, be with her Lord. Bless Kathy and her faithful heart. Please pour financial blessings upon my friend Peggy, she loves You so much. I am so thankful for Beth, and all the glory she brings You. I ask that if it be Your will, You would bless my health, and keep me well. I ask all these things in Your beautiful name, knowing You hear me, and will answer my prayers. Amen
My Father,
Thank you answering my and Peggy's prayer for a wonderful night's rest!! My mind was calm and quiet and peaceful knowing that You watched over me while I slept.
Help me to start this day with a fresh attitude towards my job situation. Lead me where You will have me go, and USE ME, LORD, USE ME to lead others to YOU.
This morning, LORD, I come to You asking for continuing blessings upon all who shared their hearts here. We have come to You, LORD, our Rock, with full confidence that You hear our prayers and will answer them according to YOUR Will for our lives.
I lift Denise up to You, Abba. You know her story, You know her health problems and her financial situation. In spite of all of this, she continues to see Your goodness and blessings in every aspect of her life.
She is always an encourager to others, a blessing to everyone she meets--on the internet or in person.
You have provided for her financially in the most unexpected ways!! Please keep Denise and Eddie save in Your arms while Eddie's job situation is so fragile.
Abba, I humbly ask that You heal Denise. You are the Great Physician, the Great Healer! You have the power, the might, the strength to heal Denise of her health problems.
Keep her well so that she may continue to spread Your love to others to every one whose lives she has and will touch.
Guide her doctors and all those who treat her with Your wisdom so that they will do Your very best in her health care. Even in her times of illness, allow her to encourage others to keep leaning on You as she does. Let others see her and know that Your love is shining through her so that they, too, will come to You.
I ask that Your pour Your blessings upon Denise and Eddie in every way possible, Father. Keep them in Your tender loving care.
Thank You, Lord, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to us so that we may have a closer relationship with You. Our debts have been stamped "PAID IN FULL" due to Your sacrifice of Your Son for us. How can I ever begin to thank you enough?
In Jesus' most precious name,
I have just read of a tragic accident that Kathy's son Jim witnessed yesterday.
Please wrap Jim in Your loving embrace. Let Him be aware of Your presence and peace in his heart as he goes through the process of untangling this in his mind.
I pray for Your comfort and strength for the family of the young man who lost his life in this accident. Grant them Your peace as they grieve and mourn their son.
I also pray for the driver of the car involved in this tragedy, as well as his family. Let him come to You, Lord, let him come and seek Your forgiveness. I'm sure he is feeling terrible over this senseless accident. Help this young man and his family to seek Your grace and mercy, knowing that Your forgiveness is there.
I pray for Kathy in her supporting and guiding Jim through his own grieving in witnessing this accident. Give her strength and Your love to see him through.
And thank you, God, for granting Jim patience--a very difficult fruit of the spirit for some of us to attain.
I give all of this to you today, my Father.
In Jesus' name.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me with a new day in which I can praise You. I am so thankful that dear Beth was able to sleep peacefully last night, Lord continue to allow her to get sweet rest. I ask that You lead her to the job that she needs. I love and appreciate her friendship, please bless Beth all the days of her life. I pray for Jim, ease his mind from what he witnessed. I pray for everyone involved in this terrible wreck. Please give them all comfort and peace. Amen
Almighty Father...Praise You & Thank You for all answers you've given here and all that You are yet to do! I join in full accord with my precious sisters in their prayers. A cord of two or three shall not be broken. Be it done according to Your Will & Word! I praise You for how You provide ALL.
My rent is paid and it looks like once more You have provided for my lack in Your Mighty way & I will make it to the end of the month even with having paid the rent increase. That's a great surplus!
Praise You, LORD! With the exchange rate as is...you have taken my limited monthly amount and increased it by $200 which takes care of more than the rent increase. Keep the peso/dollar exchange high for a while and I will be able to do more in Your Kingdom here plus have enough to make my trip home this spring or summer. Thank You for covering my trip to the border with prayers for safety that were truly answered, provision which I PRAISE YOU for, bless Your Awesome Name...Thank You for the strength to drive that distance and not be wiped out. I safely back in my rental home in Mexico & can rest safe & secure with no setbacks this time. Thank You for keeping me from harm. Thank You for the prayers that my sisters
here offered up! I can't Thank You
enough! Please continue to provide Beth with good rest & a way of escape from her "world" at work.
Thank You for my sweet sister Denise's prayer. Lord, You know Denise's health & financial situation! We praise You for the unexpectant blessing but we humbly ask for more to be done for Denise & Eddie. Grant Denise a complete overhaul recovery of her health.
I stand with Beth's prayer & Denise's, and I know it is NOT Your will for Your children to suffer.
Give Denise the medical wisdom & strength to pursue healing! Keep her well & her levels under control
by You! We are not in control, You are and we surrender to You & Your will but yet You require us to do our part! We ask this in Jesus' Name! Thank You Lord for this upcoming Sunday that Denise will enjoy church with her dad & Lovebug! This is awesome! And it is because of Your Divine Providence!
I am nothing without You, Lord Jesus. Keep me pursuing You & Your Kingdom & help me to be a better
witness of Your Love here in Mexico! Thank You for the many that are coming and will come to know You through the many people here
reaching out in the communities.
Thank You for YWAM & their outreaches! Provide for the Clown Ministry that is coming from Mexico DF during Carnaval. Bring in the workers the ministries here need to be able to be Your hands & feet to the multitudes that are perishing!
Bring souls from their death & give them Life in You! Touch them. Set Your blaze afire for those that are ministering & evangelizing in Jesus' Name. May You direct our steps & prepare us adequately for all we must do to reach souls for You & Your Kingdom. All Glory, Honor & Power is Yours. Thank You & bless those serving You & help us!
We count all these petitions done according to Your Will not ours. We
humbly thank You that we can come boldly, yet humbly to Your Throne,
ASK, SEEK & KNOCK for YOU are the ONLY One who opens & closes doors
for those who listen & obey YOU. We place Our HOPE in You! Increase Our Faith, Our Belief & Our Love for Others. Draw us into Your WORD & Your will daily that we may be Your Light in ALL we do, write, or say!
SMILE on Beth, Kay, Dorothy, Kathy
and Denise blessing us all in the sweet fragrance of Our Precious Lord & Savior. Thank You! Praise You...Be EXALTED today! Halleluia!
Eternal God, may the relevance of your Word continue to refresh my life. May your Spirit make my thoughts clear so that I may always find joy in being about your business. Amen.
OH I love this! Count me in!
I want to be at His feet more with others who are seeking to be a part of Him moving mountains in our lives and those we love!
Father, we are joining together to come before Your throne for our families and those we love. We know You love to see us join together bringing others before Your throne. Father, speak to our hearts and bring others to mind and stop us to pray for them, wake us to pray for them and show us what we need to praying more for! Father, we trust You and love You!
In Jesus' name we pray! AMEN!
(left as a blessing at Peggy's)
A prayer that I use from the Northumbria Community.
Christ, as a light illumine and guide me.
Christ, as a shield overshadow me.
Christ under me;
Christ over me;
Christ beside me on my left and my right.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all-powerful.
Be in the heart of each to whom I speak;
in the mouth of each who speakes unto me.
This day be within and without me,
lowly and meek, yet all powerful.
Christ as a light;
Christ as a shield;
Christ beside me on my left and my right. Amen
(another blessing left at Peggy's
transferred here by her)
Dear Lord God,
We praise you that you are the great I Am, our Hope and all that we need.
Thank you that your ears are always open to our prayers. Thank you for your sweet child, Peggy, who loves you so. Draw her children and mine to you, so they will know and love you as Lord of their lives. Give her your peace, and show her your will for her life.
Meet all the needs our friends have requested here, and even those unrequested, for you know them all. Bless each and every one and their families. In Jesus name, Amen
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